Fast 4 Aviation

Our Mission

Powering Customer Success by bringing aerospace level operational and product safety, compliance, reliability, and sustainability to organizations operating in any industry through delivery of quality system, process, product and service consultation, development, certification and management services.

Kevin Franks

Founder & CEO
Our founder and CEO is a 25 year veteran of the aerospace industry with expertise in ground up development, deployment and continuous improvement of quality management systems, processes, products and services for the aviation market. As an integral part of the original team that brought live television from Air Force One to the commercial aviation market, he helped build a startup company that revolutionized the In Fight Entertainment and Connectivity (IFEC) industry. By supporting the company’s systematic development from start-up to sale at a valuation of 400 million dollars US, he understands what it takes to successfully deliver safe, compliant, reliable and sustainable products and services that generate value in a highly competitive market.

“The key to any successful business is creating value for your customers. Companies that create the greatest value are those that stay focused on their core competencies and leverage partners who do the same. I founded FAST 4 Aviation in 2018 to help organizations in the aerospace industry do just that.  Through our consultation, development, certification and management services, we now help companies in any industry drive safety, compliance, reliability and sustainability of their quality management systems, processes, products and services so they can remain focused on current operations and growth. Most important of all, we ensure each project is completely defined and executable in a phased approach that allows our customers to evaluate performance at each milestone based on measurable objectives. Customers are never billed or obligated to continue until we hit their targets!”

Design Support

Product Support

Manufacturing Support

Quality System Support